Sunday, May 31, 2009

My 5 Most Favorite Parts of the Day!

I decided to blog on "My five favorite parts of the day." Here they are, in no particular order...

When Chad comes home. The past couple weeks Chad has been doing CNA training in Salt Lake. He's been leaving before Elizabeth and I wake up for the day, so it's just really exciting when he comes home, for me and the baby. I love how she knows that she hasn't seen him all day! She gets really excited when he comes home (if she's not crying about something else at the time). I like that a lot.

When Elizabeth eats. I contemplated whether this was a favorite of mine, because sometimes breastfeeding isn't the easiest thing in the world to do. Lately, Elizabeth has gotten WAY more interested in the world around her and not interested in her groaning tummy, but she and I are working on it. However, I still love this time that I have with her. When she's eating, it's easier to slow down and realize how dependent she is, and it makes me feel like a good mommy! (I seriously suggest breastfeeding to all expecting mothers.)

When Elizabeth wakes up. She is soooo happy and relaxed when she wakes up. She giggles, she whispers, she coos. It's great, I love it! Anything and everything I do makes her laugh... it's adorable!

When Elizabeth and I go outside. I put a chair outside on our porch so that Elizabeth and I can go out and watch the neighbors and see the people walking and driving by. The baby's curiosity is endless! She never gets fussy from being bored when we're on the porch. She doesn't need any toys or anything; she just watches the world. Ohhhhh, I like her so much!

When Elizabeth looks in the mirror. We have a mirror above her changing table and every time her diaper or clothes are changed she must look in it! It's very precious. She always has a big smile ready for me in the reflection. And I always have kisses ready for her!


Kristen said...

I think all those things are wonderful too! I love it when Cory gets home. That is probably my most favorite. I like watching Paige play in the mirror. We have a full length mirror that she crawls up to and pats and giggles and coos at. Adorable!

WoozleMom said...

Hey! I was just facebook stalking you and found out you have a blog...hooray! :) I love it. Keep in touch!

Gabi said...

Yeah, you got one cute baby!!!